Spotted Flycatcher

How I Got the Photograph – Spotted Flycatcher

Hey there, nature enthusiasts! Grab your hiking boots because I’m about to take you on a thrilling adventure that led to capturing a remarkable photograph of the elusive Spotted Flycatcher. So, let’s dive right into this unforgettable day in the UK’s picturesque Yorkshire!

It was a beautiful spring morning when my partner, Annabeth, and I embarked on a hike up the iconic Malham Cove. Little did we know that this would be the day our luck would change. As we began our ascent, at the bottom before the climb, a flash of feathers caught my eye – a Spotted Flycatcher! It was an unexpected surprise, and I seized the opportunity to capture its beauty on camera.

Now, what drew me specifically to the Spotted Flycatcher, you might ask? Well, this stunning bird happens to be the last of the Flycatcher species I had yet to find and photograph. Not only that but its conservation status in the UK is marked as “Red,” indicating a species in urgent need of our support due to significant population declines.

Equipped with my trusty Nikon Z50 and the mighty Sigma 150-600c lens, I was all set to capture this precious moment. Carrying my gear in my rucksack alongside other hiking essentials made it more manageable, given the weight of the lens. You never know when an unexpected encounter will occur, so it’s always handy to have your gear close at hand!

To increase my chances of success, I had done some research on the Spotted Flycatchers and their behaviours beforehand. My Collins bird book proved to be an invaluable resource, shedding light on their habits and giving me insights into their world.

Now, let me tell you, photographing these birds was no walk in the park! They are incredibly quick and agile, making it quite a challenge to capture the shot I had in mind.

As we climbed the steep, loose rock scrape, I had to navigate carefully with my heavy equipment. Thankfully, the impressive reach of my lens allowed me to maintain a comfortable distance from the bird. It eventually chose a perch from which to hunt for bugs, and that’s when my patience paid off—I got the shot!

To steady my hands and get the sharpest image possible, I decided to get down on the ground, using my knees and elbows as a makeshift rest. The midday sun provided ample lighting, allowing me to use a fast shutter speed. Setting my lens at 500mm, F8, and a shutter speed of 1/1000+, I was able to freeze the bird’s motion in all its glory. I turned off the lens stabilization since I didn’t require it, considering the bright lighting conditions.

Though I had to be mindful of the sun being in front of me and behind the bird, a slight underexposure by one stop could have easily ruined the shot.

Patience was the name of the game that day, as it took about an hour of observing and waiting before I captured the perfect photograph. Excitement, worry, and even a tinge of frustration danced through me during those moments. Encounters with such wonderful birds are a rarity, and it was an experience I’ll forever cherish.

Now, let me share a fascinating fact about Malham Cove. This magnificent limestone formation, towering high above the landscape, provides a dramatic backdrop for various wildlife sightings. From Peregrine Falcons soaring through the skies to the charming Spotted Flycatcher perched amidst the rugged beauty, this place truly encapsulates the wonders of nature.

So, there you have it, my friends—a glimpse into the captivating story of how I captured the photograph of a lifetime, featuring the enchanting Spotted Flycatcher. Remember, every moment spent in the wilderness is filled with surprises, and it’s up to us to seize them with our lens and preserve these treasures for generations to come.

Until our next adventure, keep exploring and appreciating the beauty of the natural world around you!

